Tieguanyin. Mengapa disebut teh termahal didunia???? sebelum saya beri tahu harganya, janji ya? biasa aja ya responnya...hehe... Teh ini dijual dengan harga 24 juta rupiah per
kilo atau Rp. 150.000 per cangkir teh Cina.
taukan? betapa mini-nya cangkir cina itu???? ,,,,, so so so small beiibbehh
taukan? betapa mini-nya cangkir cina itu???? ,,,,, so so so small beiibbehh
Tieguanyin adalah teh terkenal di Cina, Teh Tieguanyin ini
namanya diambil dari nama dewi dalam agama Budha, yaitu dewi kebaikan,
Dewi Guan Yin. Harga teh ini sangat mahal karena rasanya yang enak dan
jarang bisa didapatkan.
Teh ini merupakan jenis teh langka. Aromanya
sangat istimewa dan berbeda dari jenis oolong tea lainnya. Konon karena proses pembuatannya yang sangat rumit, yang membuat teh ini sangat
mahal harganya. Dan, tak sembarang orang bisa membuat teh ini sekalipun
telah diberi tahu prosesnya lho...
please duech,,,coba kasih tau saya... T_T
Hingga saat ini, tak banyak
orang yang tahu proses dan cara pembuatannya, sehingga teh ini selalu
menjadi teh langka yang mahal dan berkualitas.
Ada lagi yang unik jika kita menikmati teh ini, pokoknya gak rugi deh bayar 150rb per cangkir (yang paling juga gak penuh.. :-) ,
nih yang saya kutip dari http://www.chinese-tea-culture.com , gak usah di translate ya,,,,udah tak coba di translate jadinya kok janggal n kurang seru,,,,so let's read and feel your personal sense ........
The Five Senses of Tieguanyin Tea
When drinking this tea, your five senses should be brought into play to get the most out of your tea.
1. Sight
High quality Tieguanyin has heavy, tightly curled leaves of consistant color. The liquid is golden in color and the leaves, after being brewed are are thick and bright.
2. Sound
During processing, Tieguanyin Tea is kneeded and then put into cloth bags which are twisted very tightly to give the tea its shape and weight. When dropped into a teapot, good leaves make a ringing sound, whereas poorer quality leaves make more of a thud.
3. Smell
The dried leaves should have a sweet orchid flower aroma and the brewed tea should have a similar flavor with a hint of chestnut. This is the main difference between this and other Oolong Teas.
4. Taste
The flavor of the tea should swirl around the mouth and tongue. This tea should not be gulped, but sipped and savored. Swirl the tea around your mouth with your tongue to fully enjoy the tea's delicate flavor.
5. Feel
The teas leaves should feel heavy and solid.
High quality Tieguanyin has heavy, tightly curled leaves of consistant color. The liquid is golden in color and the leaves, after being brewed are are thick and bright.
2. Sound
During processing, Tieguanyin Tea is kneeded and then put into cloth bags which are twisted very tightly to give the tea its shape and weight. When dropped into a teapot, good leaves make a ringing sound, whereas poorer quality leaves make more of a thud.
3. Smell
The dried leaves should have a sweet orchid flower aroma and the brewed tea should have a similar flavor with a hint of chestnut. This is the main difference between this and other Oolong Teas.
4. Taste
The flavor of the tea should swirl around the mouth and tongue. This tea should not be gulped, but sipped and savored. Swirl the tea around your mouth with your tongue to fully enjoy the tea's delicate flavor.
5. Feel
The teas leaves should feel heavy and solid.
source : http://www.chinese-tea-culture.com
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